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Pregnancy Diet Plan - A Weighty Topic

Pregnancy is a time in a women's life when she is at her most feminine. Only women can give birth, bringing new life into the world. But it is also a time when a woman can be overcome with emotions because of feeling heavy and anxious.

The anxiousness arises from worrying about whether she is doing everything she can to make sure the baby is born healthy.

A pregnancy diet plan is a weighty topic because it concerns not just the health of the mother but also of the growing baby.

Weighing In

Being pregnant is a wonderful experience, but it requires changes in your life even before the baby is born.

The most notable change in the beginning is the need for nutrition geared towards both mother and baby's health. You are not thinking for one anymore - it's now two.

Weighing in on the topic of nutrition means first understanding the changes in your pregnant body's nutritional requirements. A pregnancy diet plan addresses issues particular to the baby's development and maintaining the mother's health.

  • Increased vitamin and mineral requirements for general health

  • Increased need of particular vitamins and supplements to address specific issues such as birth defects and higher calcium depletion

  • Need to avoid some foods that can hinder proper fetus development

  • Increased need for calories on a limited basis, varying by trimester

  • Need for attention to a balanced diet

In our affluent societies, it is easy to be tempted by ready-made food at fast food restaurants and in the grocery store. But the general rule of thumb is to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible.

Ready made food is frequently loaded with salt or saturated fat, both of which are not good for either you or the baby. When determining what is best to eat, there are simple pregnancy diet plan guidelines that should steer you in the right direction throughout the pregnancy.


The goal of a pregnancy diet plan is to counterbalance the additional nutritional needs created by the growing baby.

  • Folic acid is a basic nutritional need for woman at all stages of their life from pregnancy to menopause. A fetus requires additional folic acid to aid in cell division.

  • Eat green leafy vegetables to maintain iron levels

  • Consume enough calcium to offset increased need for baby's development

  • Insure you eat enough protein daily to insure baby's proper growth

The actual levels required vary by woman. It is important to consult with your doctor and establish the basic pregnancy diet plan needs.

The important point to remember is that a pregnancy diet plan does not use vitamins or supplements to replace a healthy diet. They are intended to enhance your food diet by making up for shortages of nutrients in the food you are eating.

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