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Vegetarian Pregnancy Diet Article

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During Pregnancy, Diet Health, Men's Weight and Omega-3 Fundamental Power

Pregnancy is a family affair. What the expectant mother does affects everyone else in the household.

The interesting fact is that during pregnancy, diet health, mens health and Omega-3 essential nutrients are all integral components of the plan to produce a health baby.

Let's face it - it's hard enough to stick to a healthy diet by yourself, much less if others around you are eating whatever they want and everything you shouldn't have. None of us are impervious to temptation.

But during pregnancy, diet health, mens health and DHA Omega-3 nutrients can help any woman have a successful nine months. The added benefit is that if your husband or significant other follows a pregnancy diet, he too will get the many benefits from eating healthy.

That is the power of a good diet no matter the circumstance.

Packing a Lifetime Wallop

DHA Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are not produced by the body, and must be obtained through food.

For men and women during pregnancy, diet health, men's health and the baby's development are affected by the amount of Omega-3 acids. Omega3's are in every cell in the membrane. They regulate all bodily functions, including cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

For a developing fetus, Omega-3 helps:

  • Build the brain

  • Develop the nervous system

  • Form the retinas

  • Assist in formation of new tissue for growth

But the best news is that Omega-3's are important all our life. Even in later stages of life, chronic illness symptoms can be significantly relieved with the ingestion of foods containing high concentrations of Omega 2 fatty acids.

By taking the appropriate amount of Omega 3 during pregnancy, diet health, mens health and the baby will experience a lifetime of benefit. Babies who get sufficient Omega-3 during gestation have less chance of getting breast and prostate cancer and less chance of having developmental problems.

Gone Fishing

During pregnancy, diet health, mens health and babies' health are dependent on getting enough DHA Omega-3 in the diet. The source of the fatty acids is found mostly in the following foods.

  • Oily fish including mackerel and sardines

  • Oil supplements like cod liver and fish oil

  • Tuna fish

  • Fortified foods like bread and fruit juices

  • Dark leafy green vegetables

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Walnuts

However, there is one word of caution concerning which food choice is made. During pregnancy, diet health, men's health and the baby's health can all be affected by eating too much food, like sardines, with high sodium content. Worse yet is the possible mercury contamination. Therefore, a supplement such as Ovega-3, which is made from marine algae, may be the better choice.

The bottom line is that common sense should be used. Pay attention to the amount of DHA Omega-3 you are getting in your diet. It is easy to add to the diet, yet the benefits can be life extending.

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