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Exercise During Pregnancy Guidelines
Keep Moving, Mom! Use these exercise during pregnancy guidelines to keep you and your baby safe while you get strong and fit.
Research has shown a dramatic correlation between the health of pregnant women, new mothers, and babies, and following exercise during pregnancy guidelines to understand and implement the best ways to continue to remain active and in optimal physical condition during pregnancy.
According to exercise during pregnancy guidelines, any low-impact aerobic exercise that does not involve contact sports, cause joint or muscle stress, require balance for safety, present falling hazards, or are against the advice of your physician, will benefit the health of both the mother and baby.
It is easy to research exercise during pregnancy guidelines. Many expectant mothers are bombarded by old wives tales, and "helpful advice." The problem is the advice is often contradictory, and difficult to sift through.
What is helpful and what is harmful, or what is not helpful but harmless, is often almost impossible to ascertain.
The health of yourself and your baby is too important to leave to guess work. It is important to understand and be able to follow the exercise during pregnancy guidelines that will actually help you and your new baby to maintain good health during pregnancy, facilitate easier labor and delivery, and maintain good postnatal health.
Whether it is a sport you love, a fitness center, exercise videos, dancing, aerobics or a multitude of other activities from walking to marathon running, most people have some type of fitness activity in their lives.
It is important to begin a fitness routine before you are pregnant, and make necessary adaptations to it to make it fit beneficial exercise during pregnancy guidelines, to improve the health of yourself and your child by reducing hypertension, preeclampsia, maternal weight gain, gestational diabetes, difficult labor and delivery, babies with low birth weight.
There are a few activities that are unwise during pregnancy, and exercise limits and recommendations change before, during, and after pregnancy.
Good forms of exercise, like walking, stationary cycling, low-impact aerobics, and swimming or water exercise have proven to be beneficial.
It is common sense that discouraged exercises include sports that increase abdominal trauma risk, such as hockey, boxing, wrestling, football, soccer, or other high risk sports like gymnastics, horseback riding, skating, skiing, racquet sports, weight lifting and other similar activities, and any exertion that raises body temperature above 102-103 degrees, or puts undue stress on muscles and joints should be avoided.
When considering exercise during pregnancy guidelines, use common sense, research online, and consult your obstetrician for final approval.
While certain conditions are prohibitive of exercise during pregnancy, most pregnant women feel better, look better, and have easier pregnancies and deliveries. You can also look forward to reducing postpartum complications for both mother and baby, when choosing to implement exercise routines following exercise during pregnancy guidelines.
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