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Help For Getting Over A Miscarriage

Getting over a miscarriage physically will usually not take a great amount of time, but getting over the psychological effects of a miscarriage can be a longer process.

Getting over a miscarriage can be a difficult time, but one way that many women have found to ease their mind is to learn about what has happened to them. What exactly is a miscarriage? What causes a miscarriage?

Miscarriages are actually not an uncommon way for a pregnancy to end. One of the most frequent causes of pregnancy complications are miscarriages themselves. Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester or first twelve weeks of the pregnancy.

No matter when a miscarriage occurs, getting over a miscarriage can become easier by understanding what a miscarriage is. A miscarriage, also known as a spontaneous abortion, is the loss of a pregnancy before twenty weeks gestation.

What causes a miscarriage? A miscarriage can be the result of a natural or accidental pregnancy termination. Understanding what caused your miscarriage may help in the process of getting over a miscarriage.

Early miscarriages are often caused by abnormal development of the embryo. Second trimester miscarriages can be caused by a variety of factors including fetal abnormalities, trauma, cervical problems and infection.

Reading books about the type of trauma you have experienced with a miscarriage is a way to learn more about your experience and come to an understanding that will help you in getting over a miscarriage. Other resources of information on miscarriages are web sites or professional help.

If someone you know is getting over a miscarriage, you can be a source of support. With miscarriage rates very high, there is a chance you will know someone who is getting over a miscarriage.

To avoid saying something hurtful during this sensitive time, consider some common phrases that are meant to make the couple or woman feel better but may in fact make them feel worse:

  • "You can always have another baby."

  • "At least you didn't get to know your baby first."

  • "Something must have been wrong."

  • "It was for the best."

  • "Be grateful for the children you already have."

Do not use these sensitive phrases with a couple or woman getting over a miscarriage. While these may seem like words of comfort, these phrases can strike a sore spot with someone in the difficult situation of getting over a miscarriage.

Use simple and sincere words of concern instead. For example, simply say you are sorry and let them know you are available and willing to help if there is anything you can do for them.


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