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Stages Of Pregnancy
From the first slightest feeling that something is different all the way through to the birth of a beautiful child, pregnancy is a time of change.
Each trimester is unique and has its own sets of wonders and joys as well as challenges and discomforts. Being prepared and knowing what to expect make this special time in any mother's life easier to enjoy and cope with.
The first trimester is the first three months of the pregnancy. The funny part about this trimester is that many women spend the first few weeks unaware that she is expecting a new bundle of joy.
Sometimes a woman may be clued in by feelings of nausea, clothes fitting differently, and breast tenderness even before the first missed period. Once the new mom is aware of the growing life, several symptoms are common in the first trimester.
Strange food and drink cravings are common, as are vivid dreams that may last the entire pregnancy. For those who experience morning sickness, it is a comfort to know that it usually fades in the second trimester.
A new mom-to-be may find relief from morning sickness by drinking ginger tea, sucking on peppermint, or using the tried and true method of lemon lime soda and saltine crackers.
The second trimester is for many women, the easiest to deal with. Normally the morning sickness and breast tenderness of the first trimester has faded and many experience a sense of health and well being. During this time, the baby continues to fine tune organ and brain development.
Many expectant moms cite this trimester as being the time when they experienced more energy and find it easier to participate in their favorite activities. This is often the best time during pregnancy to prepare the baby's room and take care of any projects that involve a moderate level of activity before the rigors of the last trimester.
The third trimester of pregnancy is challenging in a lot of ways. Many women are torn between feeling like their child is never going to arrive and feeling like the baby is due tomorrow. Excitement becomes more intense in this phase of pregnancy. Cleaning everything in sight and nesting is often a big part of the third trimester.
Mom-to-be will feel a need for more sleep and some of the common aches and pains of her new shape will affect everything from resting to how often mom needs the bathroom. It is usually considered to be the most physically challenging phase, but bearable because of the excitement and joy the upcoming birth brings.
Pregnancy is a natural, awe inspiring time for a new mother. Each day is an adventure in learning more about herself and the little person she is carrying.
Acyclovir During Pregnancy News