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Dealing With The Usual Pregnancy Signs
It seems odd, but something isn't quite right.
Maybe your breasts seem a little tender or swollen. It could be that certain smells are upsetting your stomach.
Maybe you're getting funny looks at work because of a lot of unscheduled bathroom breaks. It's possible that you are experiencing some unusual aches and pains and it isn't time for your period.
Wait a minute, your period never showed up this month. Once 2+2=Baby, pregnancy signs become impossible to miss. There are a lot of common and not so common symptoms that go along with the early part of pregnancy.
Light Bleeding
One early pregnancy sign that can make it difficult to determine that the pregnancy exists is light bleeding.Many times when this occurs in the early stages of pregnancy the new mom attributes it to her normal monthly flow. It doesn't help that this happens around the same time as a normal period.
Light bleeding is a result of the fertilized egg implanting itself in the endometrial lining of the uterus.
Most of the time it results in light bleeding or spotting. Unless the pregnant woman decides to take a pregnancy test because her flow is too light, she may not be aware of the pregnancy for a few more weeks.
Frequent Urination
It's not like trips to the bathroom are uncommon for most women, but when it seems to a constant occurrence and you feel like the bathroom door should be revolving, something is probably up. And that something is probably a little one making its presence known discreetly.Frequent urination is one of the pregnancy signs that seems to last throughout the entire nine months, not just at the beginning. It is completely possible to miss this pregnancy sign early on as well as it can begin as soon as one to two weeks after conception, much too early to have missed a period.
Everyone's least favorite of the pregnancy signs is irritability. Sudden hormone changes tend to bring this one on.Of course it doesn't help anyone's disposition to also be dealing with heartburn, nausea, and constant trips to the bathroom. That would make most people a little cranky.
The good part about irritability is that it usually fades in the second trimester. By then hormone surges have decreased and the mom to be has adjusted to some of the changes in her body. The only cure is patience, good nutrition, and pregnancy friendly exercise. It also helps to get plenty of rest.
Pregnancy is temporary, so exercising a little patience will go a long way in relieving some of the more uncomfortable classic pregnancy signs.
Beginning Signs Of Pregnancy News