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Very Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Trying to get pregnant can be exciting and frustrating at the same time.

It is a very important and life-changing period in a woman's life. Knowing when she is pregnant can make all the difference in the world to a woman who is trying to conceive.

That's why it can be interesting to know what some of the very early signs of pregnancy are.

All women experience pregnancy in different ways. That means that the very early signs of pregnancy will be different for each woman. Pregnancy symptoms can also vary when it comes to intensity and duration and some women may not experience the very early signs of pregnancy at all.

Following the implantation of the egg, the body undergoes many changes. The levels of hormones increase drastically. The very early signs of pregnancy typically do not appear until 1 to 2 weeks after you miss your period.

The first fetal movement is not typically detected until 16 weeks post-conception.

The very early signs of pregnancy include implantation bleeding 8 to 10 days after ovulation, an elevated BBT temperature for 18 days, and a missed menstrual period.

Even before a missed period, a woman can test for pregnancy with an early detection pregnancy test that allows the woman to determine a positive result as early as 7 to 10 days past ovulation.

The first trimester is from week one to week 12 and contains nine of the very early signs of pregnancy. This includes

  • Lower abdominal cramps,

  • Food cravings,

  • Nausea or morning sickness from three to 10 weeks after conception,

  • Tender or swollen breasts from three to four weeks after conception,

  • Darker nipples, darker and larger areolas,

  • Frequent urination,

  • Fatigue and tiredness from three to 10 weeks after conception,

  • Heart burn,

  • Headaches,

  • Constipation, and

  • Mood swings.

There are some more unusual types of the very early signs of pregnancy.

Many women experience cravings for particular foods or particular combinations of foods.

For the most part, women who are pregnant will also miss their monthly period. A woman who has a late period should take a home pregnancy test or consult her doctor.

It is very important that a woman pay attention to her body and to her health when entering into a sexual relationship. A woman who is trying to become pregnant of who may become pregnant should take care to eat healthy, exercise, and avoid smoking cigarettes, or ingesting intoxicating substances including drugs and alcohol.

Women who are sexually active should know about the very early signs of pregnancy.


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