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Stages of Pregnancy: What Happens?
There are three major stages of pregnancy. These are called "trimesters" and generally last about thirteen weeks. The stages of pregnancy each have different characteristics.
The first of the stages of pregnancy, commonly referred to as the first trimester, is the easiest to miss. Many women may not know they are even pregnant until the end of the first trimester.
In some women, morning sickness develops. This is because the woman's body is getting itself acclimated to its new condition. A woman's body needs to change to enable it to nourish both the baby and the mother.
These shifts in a woman's condition cause a variety of natural functions to shift as well.
The major change is the growing size of the uterus. The uterus will cause increased pressure on near-by organs such as the bladder. Later, as the uterus gains rapidly in size, the fetus will put pressure on the back and can cause the woman back pain.
The growing uterus may also cause a woman's posture to change, which can also cause back problems.
In the second of the stages of pregnancy, the woman can experience an ebb and flow of emotions as well as cravings. These changes are frequently caused by changes in the woman's hormone patterns.
Some of these changes may be aggravated by lack of sleep and a less than healthy diet. Women who don't consume a healthy diet under normal conditions should do want they can to eat a healthy diet while they are pregnant.
The appropriate nutrients will help the woman feel better, her physical system will work more appropriately, and she will give her baby a better diet than if the pregnant woman eats a poor diet.
Women should check with their doctors if they are on calorie reduction diets when they become pregnant. Diets that might be appropriate for a healthy non-pregnant woman may not be appropriate for a pregnant woman.
The last of the stages of pregnancy, the third trimester, the woman may feel eager for the child's birth. Many women experience back pain and difficulty sleeping. If a woman has eaten a healthy diet and monitored her weight gain, she can minimize much of the discomfort she might feel in the weeks before the baby's birth.
The closer a woman get's to the end of her stages of pregnancy, the more rest she needs. Her body is functioning for two and the stresses, even though she may want the baby very much, are difficult on the relatively cramped internal conditions of the woman's body.
If a woman follows her doctor's advice, eats a healthy diet, drinks a lot of water, and gets plenty of rest, the stages of pregnancy should be less stressful and help her to deliver a healthy child.
Monthly Stages Of Pregnancy News