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Week Three Stages Of Pregnancy
Generally, people think of a fetus as being recognizable as a small human. During the first days of the pregnancy, the fetus does not technically exist.
In those first days, the fetus is considered an embryo. An embryo has none of the visual characteristics associated with being human.
It is only in week three stages of pregnancy that the fetus that begins to be recognizable as a potential baby. Even so, the fetus will hardly be noticeable at this stage. It is hardly recognizable as a human baby.
At a length of only about 1/5 of an inch, the fetus doesn't cause obvious major changes in the appearance of the mother. Only major technology can even detect the fetus at this stage, but it is known that the fetus is beginning to develop as early as the third week.
It is during week three stages of pregnancy that a noticeable heartbeat develops. This can occur on or about the 25th day of the pregnancy. Obviously, the heart beat will not be heard by the pregnant woman, but new technology can distinguish a heartbeat this early in the fetal development.
The arms begin to develop within two or three days of the heartbeat. The fetus won't have recognizable arms, but it will develop the buds that will lengthen and segment into the components that will later become the arms.
Also in the week three stages of pregnancy, the buds that will become the legs develop. These buds also are not recognizable at first, but the little buds will develop on the fetus about two or three days after the development of the arm buds.
Toward the end of week three stages of pregnancy, the fetus gains the rudiments of a digestive system. The fetus at this stage gets its nourishment completely from the mother, but the digestive process needs time to develop and it is first noticeable at this point in the pregnancy.
Important Nutrients During Pregnancy Third Trimester
Since the fetus starts developing recognizable characteristics during week three stages of pregnancy, it is important that the mother begin to take care of her health. If a woman was planning to become pregnant, she should have been eating a healthy diet and monitoring nutrients, in particular, her:- Folic acid,
- Protein,
- Calcium, and
- Iron.
Folic acid has been found to be beneficial in the development of the components of the fetus that become the brain and spinal cord. Folic acid deficiencies can cause the fetus, and later the baby, problems later in life.
Calcium is necessary for the development of the bones.
Protein is necessary in the development of the tissues of the fetus. The mother needs healthy blood as she is contributing to the development of the fetus' blood supply.
Any woman who has not been eating a healthy diet prior to the pregnancy should consult with her doctor as soon as she learns she is pregnant so she can learn how to eat well. A healthy diet contributes to a healthy baby.
Pregnancy Stages Of Labor News