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The Stages Of Pregnancy
Many people believe all good things happen in stages. Life itself is a series of milestones and stages, the life cycle of insects comes in stages.
It only makes sense that one of the most meaningful events in a woman's life happens in stages as well. The stages of pregnancy bring a lot of change to the mother to be's body, life, and relationships.
Embarking on this journey takes fortitude, as anyone who has ever dealt with morning sickness can tell you, and understanding of the natural changes occurring in your body.
The stages of pregnancy are normally broken into three month periods referred to as trimesters. Although not necessarily visible on the outside many exciting things are happening inside the uterus.
Even before mom knows she is pregnant, amazing things are taking place. The fetal cells are divided at a tremendous rate and the mother's hormone levels are in a constant state of surge. Some lucky ones bypass this symptom, but this is the time when morning sickness may occur and breast tenderness is common.
Before the end of the trimester the baby has a heartbeat and can move his or her tiny arms and legs.
Many pregnant women call the second trimester among their favorites of the stages of pregnancy. The discomforts of the first trimester fade away and the uterus isn't so large yet as to make every activity uncomfortable or difficult.
However some new discomforts may take their place. Practice contractions called Braxton Hicks, may start during this stage and finding a comfortable sleeping position may be more difficult. The mom to be is able to feel the baby's movements and in some cases, other people may be able to feel or see the movements as well.
In the final stages of pregnancy, a lot of changes occur. The baby is packing on weight at an enormous rate of speed. Mom's abdomen appears to be taking on a life of its own in how large and distended it becomes.
The third trimester is a good time to take any childbirth and breastfeeding classes that the mother feels are important. Fetal movement may slow some as the due date approaches. It usually isn't a cause for alarm; space is at a premium at this time.
The important things to remember at this stage is to get plenty of rest, eat well, and enjoy the final days before the birth of your baby.
The stages of pregnancy are full of new and unique experiences for the first time mom as well as veterans. Each and every pregnancy is different just like every child is unique.
Stages Of A Pregnancy News