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Knowing The Early Signs Of Pregnancy

There are many early signs of pregnancy that are important to know about. They are important because they will give a woman the chance to prepare herself for the potential arrival of a newborn baby, a huge life altering responsibility.

It is also important so that a woman makes sure to take care of herself properly as soon as possible. With all the potential complications of mismanaged pregnancies, being aware early to ensure healthy risk preventative measures is imperative.

Early signs of pregnancy run the gamut. A woman can experience everything from nausea to swollen and tender breasts.

The early signs of pregnancy can look very similar to the signs of pre-menstrual symptoms. Many women experience cramping, feeling bloated, back aches, headaches and even mood swings that can leave them feeling happy one moment and sad the next, probaby due to the increase of hormonal levels.

Some other early signs of pregnancy can include an increased sensitivity and aversion to certain odors.

This can cause a woman to either crave new foods that she has never craved before and it can also cause her to abhor others feeling nauseous just by the very mention or smell of the food item.

Missing one's period is one of the most obvious early signs of pregnancy. This of course can happen for other reasons, such as stress, but it is something that most often is a sign of pregnancy.

To confirm whether one is truly pregnant or not, taking a home pregnancy test one week after the missed period is a great way to double check. If the test comes out positive, then the next step would be to consult a physician.

Some women also experience an increase in urination due most typically due to an increase in food and liquid intake. In addition, if a woman's basal body temperature remains high for over 18 days, this too can be on of the early signs of pregnancy.

Early signs of pregnancy can also show in the enlargement of the breast size as well as the areolas or the nipples of the breast. The areolas often take on a darker color during this time as well.

Though some women may never experience any of the early signs of pregnancy, the majority of others experience at least one or more of the many different symptoms. It is good to be aware of what they are, to know that they are normal natural symptoms, and that they might just be indications that you are pregnant!

They are great to know because they can give you a heads start into preparing yourself for one of the most incredible new journeys in your life!


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